HYDE addict

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Monday Aug. 1,2005

: Extra Section Added!

Okay I have been added to one more
Fanlisting called, "Horizon". This is a
fanlisting for HYDE's song, Horizon. One
of my absolute favorites from his "666"
album! Wahh! I love the PV as well...*dies*.
So yeah. I also chanegd the front page
picture too!! Hehe..I love that one..^_^v!!

I have to make any more codes. HAHA, I have
a feeling no one is affiliating me..haha^^;; well
who cares...people will stumble acorss this site
and find that it's a very nice one..v_v..I hope...oh
well, I could dream ne? Well, til' then..see ya!!

Ki o tsukete!
Sunday July 31,2005
Wow, I haven't updated this place in a
while. Hmm, let's see anything new?? Yes!
I have been added to 6 new fanlistings! Go
check them out and maybe you'd wanna join
them. The layouts are beautiful..^_^v. I wish
I could learn how to do that someday!! xDD!!
Who am I kidding, I never will...¬_¬;; Well..
I haven't made any new codes yet, but i'll get
started ASAP!
Unconfirmed divorce with Ooishi Megumi.
(Note: Let's all just hope it pulls through.. >__<!!)
P.S:: I shall put up my HYDE drawings. Later..until I
learn how to make thumbnails..v_v;; well, wish me luck!
^ ^V
Wednesday June 22, 2005
Well, I have finally put some codes up. A lot
actually. more than I expected. Uhmm, any
suggestions, feedback...anything! 'Cept flames,
would be greatly appreciated!! THANKS
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Okay so far  I am still working on the site
and there is much to improve right now.
So All you can do is stare at that HYDE
picture on the main page. As of now, I am
flat out with nothing!! Ehh...well i'll be
back with some stuff soon. Til' then...

Pictures and/or related conetnt to
any other links posted on the image
do not belong to me. I own this site,
anything that is made by me is most
likely owned by me. HYDE addict site
does not own anything not created
by the owner, me! They belong to
their respective owners.
HYDE addict since 2003 to 2005